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Sills Cummis' Peter Verniero On The Compliance Discussion

Editor: Mr. Verniero, you have had an extremely interesting career to date. Would you tell us about some of the high points of your time as Attorney General of New Jersey? And as a member of the New Jersey Supreme Court? Verniero: The New Jersey Office of Attorney General has broad jurisdiction...

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Internet Gambling & The Law - Prohibition vs. Regulation

The Internet gambling industry was thrown into a state of turmoil in July 2006 when the U.S. Department of Justice arrested the CEO of a leading off-shore Internet gambling company, BetOnSports, after his plane touched down on U.S. soil during a trip from Britain en route to his company's offices...

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SPACs Show Impressive Growth In The Investment Community And IPO Markets

Characterized by investment safeguards and strategic management teams, special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) are generating much buzz as the new darlings of the investment community. A SPAC is a business entity formed to complete an initial public offering (IPO) with the specific purpose...

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Computer Fraud And Abuse Act: Another Arrow In The Quiver Of An Employer Faced With A Disloyal Employee - Part II

In International Airport Centers, L.L.C. v. Citrin1, decided in March, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals examined the difference between "without authorization" and "exceeding authorized access" under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act ("CFAA") and held that, while it is "paper thin" it is "not...

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Computer Fraud And Abuse Act: Another Arrow In The Quiver Of An Employer Faced With A Disloyal Employee - Part I

The days when a disloyal departing employee would sneak into the office at night and, by the light of a flashlight, pack up a briefcase full of documents containing his employer's trade secrets and other confidential information in order to start up a competing business or to give them to his new...

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When An Employee Surfs For Internet Kiddie Porn At Work: Avoiding Civil Liability For Employee Cyber-Crime

The New Jersey Appellate Division has recognized an employer's duty, under certain circumstances, to investigate and stop an employee's unauthorized use of a workplace computer to access child pornography. Some observers have criticized the court's decision, in Doe v. XYZ Corporation , as creating...

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Unmasking The Masked Man: Pulling The Mask Off Your Email Intruder

Imagine the following scenario: the president of your company receives an email from a person with whom she isn't familiar. The writer claims to be a reporter who has written a profile of the president for a business publication, but when the president opens the attachment, the email contains...

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