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Project: Corporate Counsel Part II (Unintended Consequences) - Law Firms The Effects Of The Andersen Decision In Today's Market

In Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States, the U.S Supreme Court reversed the conviction of the former accounting giant whose legal troubles had stemmed from charges that the firm unlawfully destroyed documents concerning Enron Corporation and its collapse. The ink was barely dry on the court's...

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Project: Corporate Counsel Part II (Compliance Readiness) - Law Firms Sarbanes-Oxley Three Years On: An Evolving Compliance Structure

Editor: Mr. Verniero, would you share with our readers some of the highlights of your time as Attorney General of New Jersey? Verniero: Unlike many state AG offices, the office in New Jersey has jurisdiction over a full range of criminal and civil law issues. For example, the New Jersey Attorney...

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Roth 401(k) Accounts Are Ripe For An Employer's Consideration

While Congress spends part of this summer continuing the debate on the future of Social Security, employers should take the opportunity to review the advantages of implementing a new retirement savings program that is commonly referred to as Roth 401(k) account. This new retirement savings account...

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Intentional Deception Is Required For "False Marking" Under The Patent Law

The issue of patent marking is one that rarely appears before the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Recently, however, the Federal Circuit had the opportunity to decide a case dealing with false patent marking. The case is Clontech Laboratories, Inc. v. Invitrogen Corporation,1 a case in...

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District Court Recognizes That Class Actions Against Not-For-Profit Hospitals Cannot Solve The Problem Of Funding Affordable Health Care For Uninsured Patients

Affordable health care for all Americans has been a significant issue in national politics for at least the past 15 years.Those most in need of it are the people who fall outside the boundaries of the current system of health care finance, namely those above the threshold for government-assisted...

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Controlling Rental Costs Through Lease Audits

Many corporate tenants have taken advantage of high vacancy rates and a sluggish economy in recent years to "recast" their existing leases for extended periods at lower rental rates.And many businesses operating within company-owned real estate have sold those properties at recent market highs,...

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OIG Supplements Compliance Program Guidance

Introduction On January 31, 2005 the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ("OIG") published "Supplemental Compliance Program Guidance for Hospitals." It is important for hospitals, and other providers and businesses in the health care industry, to review...

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