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The Intersection Of Law And Technology Revisited

Some experts have estimated that technology grows so rapidly that it doubles every year. While this conclusion may be difficult to comprehend, there is little doubt that technology advances so rapidly that frequently the law is left panting trying to keep up with its pace. Jurisprudentially...

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Knowledge Is Power: Commercializing Intellectual Property In The Life Sciences Industry

The explosion of life sciences-based innovations and increased globalization of the marketplace has heightened the importance of intellectual property ("IP") in business transactions. Effective management of IP is the driving force behind intellectual and commercial success for global life sciences...

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Why Buy a Bankruptcy Claim When You Can Acquire A Distribution Right?

The trading of claims is a familiar practice in bankruptcy cases, both as a short-term investment vehicle and a long-term opportunity with the intention of obtaining a strategic position in the confirmation process.1 In certain instances, an investor can purchase a claim at a discount prior to the...

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Preserving The Attorney Client Privilege In Corporate America

Introduction As the law departments of corporate America grow, the responsibilities of in-house counsel have become more diverse than ever before. While in-house counsel are, of course, called upon to dispense legal advice, they are also sometimes asked to wear multiple hats - legal,...

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Reduce Costs And Protect Expert Draft Reports And Communications With Expert Witnesses - An ABA Proposal That Corporate Counsel Should Consider Supporting

Editor: Please tell our readers about the problems of working with expert witnesses under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and how New Jersey has solved these problems. Greenbaum: In 2002 New Jersey amended its Rules to protect drafts of expert reports and communications between the...

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Cyberspace: Non-Traditional Remedies For Unfair Competition And False Advertising

Companies often spend decades and millions of dollars developing a recognizable brand. Unfortunately, when a competitor disseminates false or defamatory information over the Internet, goodwill that took years to build can be destroyed in a matter of days. Because the Internet disseminates...

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The Real Message of Stein: Corporate Cooperation Does Not Require Capitulation

Two recent decisions by Southern District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan in United States v. Stein invite the Justice Department to reconsider the more draconian aspects of its approach to the investigation of corporations and corporate executives. In Stein I , 2006 WL 1735260 (S.D.N.Y. June 26, 2006),...

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