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A Group Approach To Coping With The Subprime Mortgage Crisis

Editor: When did your firm realize the magnitude of the subprime mortgage crisis and that something had to be done? Buckley: The subprime mortgage meltdown and the crisis of public confidence that accompanied it began in the summer and fall of last year when the value of AAA rated CDO's and...

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Defending Qui Tam Suits Under New Jersey's New False Claims Act

The federal civil False Claims Act ("FCA") has been the federal government's favorite weapon to enforce its antifraud initiatives, particularly in the healthcare industry. New Jersey has now joined 20 other states and the District of Columbia in enacting its own version of the federal law to...

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Meeting The Challenges Of Achieving Diversity Goals

Editor: Please tell our readers of your backgrounds and your position in the firm with regard to the diversity issue. Murray: I joined the Firm in early 2003 as a senior Associate in the Firm's Litigation Practice Group and became a Member of the Firm in 2005. At the same time, I became Co-Chair...

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Is Bankruptcy The Cure For Distressed Hospitals?

The financial woes leading to recent bankruptcies and closures of an increasing number of hospitals are attributable to many factors, including insufficient reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid, insufficient contributions from state charity care programs which require hospitals to provide care...

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Licensing From Universities: Identifying And Managing Unique Issues

The most important asset of a life sciences company is its intellectual property portfolio. In order to adequately develop and grow the company and its product pipeline, management must first properly develop and grow its portfolio. In light of the fact that many novel medical inventions originate...

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What The "Subprime Crisis" Really Means For Your Business

What has loosely been called the subprime mortgage crisis is the most visible and vulnerable aspect of a much broader credit crisis. The housing market is passing through the collapse of an asset price bubble and the accompanying credit bubble that sustained it. The problem is worst for subprime...

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Physician-Vendor Arrangements: Legal Compliance Challenges

Arrangements between vendors of healthcare products and services, such as pharmaceutical manufacturers, medical device makers and hospitals, and physicians are increasingly becoming the subject of intense scrutiny by the federal government. Recently, federal investigators have targeted these types...

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