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A Seasoned Practitioner's Thoughtful Observations On The Civil Justice Reform Discussion

Editor: Mr. Davis, would you tell our readers something about your professional experience? Davis: I attended college on a military scholarship, and following graduation I served as an infantry officer. I was an Airborne Ranger. I returned to civilian life in 1979 and went to law school, during...

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Famous Indian Restaurant, Bukhara, Denied Protection By Second Circuit

With walls made of boulders, sturdy copper and brass bowls and spoons, menus printed on laminated tree sections and heavy wooden tables surrounding an open kitchen where guests can watch tandoori grill chefs preparing their meals, Bukhara restaurants represent a singular dining experience and has...

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Leegin: Challenge Or Opportunity For Cross-Border Trade?

Designer blue jeans. PING custom-fit golf clubs. Brietling watches. Producers of these and other high-end consumer goods have at one time or another tried to insist that retailers adhere to minimum resale prices in order to preserve their images in the marketplace.1 For 96 years, those...

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King & Spalding: Building An Enduring Institution In Houston

Editor: Mr. Meadows, would you tell our readers something about your background? Meadows: I grew up in South Texas and received my undergraduate degree from the University of Texas in 1971. I then went to work for Ben Barnes in his gubernatorial election campaign. After he lost, I attended the...

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Quality Control In Trademark Licensing

Trademark licensing can be a lucrative business, if effectively managed. Product manufacturers are often more than willing to pay meaningful royalty rates for the right to identify their goods with an established, widely recognized trademark. The actual manufacturer of a product is sometimes of no...

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Disabled Veterans: A Cause To Unite All Of Us

Editor: Please tell us something about your professional experience. Bragg: I am a member of the FDA healthcare group and work with a variety of pharmaceutical, medical-device and bio-technology companies on FDA and healthcare compliance issues. Prior to joining King & Spalding in 2003, I was...

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A Practice Whose Time Has Come: King & Spalding's Professional Responsibility Group

Editor: Mr. Loveland, will you tell our readers something about your professional experience? Loveland: I am a trial lawyer, with 30 years experience. I have been very fortunate to represent a number of King & Spalding's major clients over this period, including Ernst &Young, The Coca-...

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