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Why Compliance Doesn't Work - Part I

Part II of this article will appear in the April issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. Right now, an employee of your company is breaking the law by exploiting the gaps in your compliance process. He has found a way to take advantage of the expectations of his supervisors that everyone is...

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Private Equity M&A: The Force Behind The Seller's Market

In 2006, M&A deal activity hit record levels. Global M&A volume for last year was $4.06 trillion, up 21% over the prior record of $3.3 trillion established in 2000, according to market researcher Dealogic. Last year's worldwide M&A volume was 36% higher than the $2.99 trillion recorded...

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From Entry Level To Partnership Career Promotion: A Diversity Initiative That Touches All The Bases

Editor: Mr. Sullivan, would you tell our readers something about your professional experience? Sullivan: I am an antitrust lawyer. Following law school I enrolled in the Honors Program of the Antitrust Division of the United States Department of Justice. I was there for 11 years working on...

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The 110th Congress: What Your Company Should Know About Congressional Private Sector Investigations

The November midterm elections proved once again that democracy is more than a lofty and inspiring theory. The election process turned out to be a driving force for change in government power. January 2007 will bring a new Congress with a new and vastly different agenda. One clear priority will be...

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Could China Close The Door To Foreign Investment?

After nearly three decades of economic growth fueled in large part by massive foreign investment, there are an increasing number of voices in China saying that it may be time to rethink the country's openness to foreign capital, brands, and companies. While fully closing the door to these...

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The Indian IP Environment: Aligning With Global Standards

Editor: Mr. Bailey, would you tell our readers something about how you came to King & Spalding? Bailey: I have been in New York practicing law for 32 years. The first 30 years were with Fish & Neave, which specializes in IP work. During the years that I was the managing partner at Fish...

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Five Years After The USA Patriot Act: An Update On FinCen

Introduction Five years ago, Congress enacted the Uniting And Strengthening America By Providing Tools Required To Intercept And Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 ("Patriot Act"). Title III of the Patriot Act amended the Bank Secrecy Act ("BSA") in a variety of ways. This article describes the...

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