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The Future Of The Arabian Gulf Lies In Energy And A Great Deal More

Editor: Would you tell our readers something about your professional background? Weems: I am a Texas attorney who has practiced internationally since 1984, having first obtained my law degree from Texas Tech University and an LL.M. from the University of Sydney, Australia. I also attended...

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Charlotte: Hub Of The New South

Editor: Would you share with our readers the thinking behind the firm's decision to establish a presence in Charlotte in July, 2007? What opportunities did the firm see in the Charlotte market? Brown: King & Spalding recognized Charlotte's continued emergence as a leading economic and...

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The Shifting Of Risk From Buyer To Seller In The Trading Of Bankruptcy Claims

The recent decision of the Honorable Shira Scheindlin of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York in In re Enron Corp. (Enron Corp. v. Springfield Assoc.) , 2007 WL 2446498 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 27, 2007), has been, on the one hand, praised for creating some certainty in...

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The Subprime Meltdown, Rating Agencies And Privilege

While uncertainties abound in the current subprime crisis, one can reliably predict that the rating agencies are destined to be in the middle of much of the litigation arising out of the meltdown of subprime mortgage securitizations. For the vast majority of these securitizations, the senior...

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A Strong Diversity Program Benefits Minorities And Everyone Else

Editor: Ms. Tandy, would you tell our readers something about your professional experience? Tandy: I've been practicing for about 12 years. I'm a business litigator, and over the course of my career - which has been spent entirely at King & Spalding - I have seen considerable evolution in my...

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King & Spalding's London Office: Gateway To The World

Editor: It has been a year since we last spoke. Would you remind our readers of what was behind the strategic decision of the firm to open a London office in 2003? What was the firm trying to accomplish with this step? Keffer: For some time we have been aware that many of the U.S. clients of the...

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China Removes Some Incentives For Manufacturers In Order To Reduce Trade Frictions And Satisfy Domestic Critics

China's trade surplus with the world increased more than 20 percent in the twelve-month period between October 2006 and 2007, continuing a long march upward. Some economists have predicted that the trade surplus with the United States alone will grow to as much as $400 million in the near term -...

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