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Inbound And Outbound Investment: As The Indian Middle Class Grows, India Grows From Strength To Strength

Editor: Mr. Patel, would you tell our readers something about your professional experience? Patel: I went to both undergraduate and law school at the University of Florida. I came to King & Spalding in Atlanta as a summer associate because I was attracted to the type of corporate work that...

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Proposed Revisions To FAS 5 Standards For Disclosure Of Loss Contingencies Met With Sound Criticism

On June 5, 2008, the Financial Accounting Standards Board published an exposure draft entitled "Disclosure of Certain Loss Contingencies, an amendment of FASB Statements No. 5 and 141(R)" proposing amendments to the disclosure requirements for loss contingencies currently set forth in FASB...

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Business Opportunities (And Risks) In The Voluntary Carbon Market

Introduction The voluntary carbon market is booming. Volumes and values tripled last year alone, from a total worth of about $97 million in 2006 to $331 million in 2007.1Although demand is being driven primarily by corporate sustainability and green marketing initiatives, many companies are...

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King & Spalding's Houston Office: Building Bench Strength

Editor: It is been a year since we last spoke. Please fill us in on what has occurred at the Houston office of King & Spalding. Meadows: A great deal has taken place over the past year, most significantly the arrival of 13 lawyers from Vinson & Elkins to enhance our practice in the health...

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Pro Bono Makes A Difference In Afghanistan, Liberia And Atlanta

Editor: I understand you were in academia before embarking on a career in law. Hoffmann : When I was in college, I never thought that I would be a lawyer. I enjoyed my philosophy classes, went on to get my Ph.D. and became a professor of philosophy at Ithaca College. While teaching...

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Good Reason To Change?

Many executives have employment contracts that provide for severance in the event of an involuntary termination or a termination for "good reason." Public company employers have a limited opportunity to modify the good reason definition before 2009 to make it more likely that severance may be paid...

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Exposed To Litigation? Act Now.

Editor : What is your professional background? King : I've been a commercial litigator at King & Spalding for most of my professional career, having come to the firm in 1985. I was part of the group that opened our New York office in the early '90s and spent about four years...

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