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Structuring The Right Deal In India

Editor: Please describe your practice, particularly your practice advising on investments and joint ventures in India from a tax perspective. Taylor: I am based in the London office of King & Spalding. I have been practicing in London for almost ten years and prior to that worked as a tax...

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A Comparison Of Competition Laws In The U.S. And Canada

Editor: The title of your joint interview in our August 2008 issue was "American and Canadian Antitrust/ Competition Law: Convergence?" Have there been any developments since that time? And do you think convergence will ever be accomplished? Wofford: Jeff will speak to developments within Canada,...

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The Board's Role In Risk Management - Lessons Learned From The Financial Crisis

Introduction Without a doubt, the recent financial crisis has tested companies and their boards in ways not seen inmanydecades and has had a profound impact on corporate governance and risk management. Indeed, one group of institutional investors with $9.5 trillion in assets under management...

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Secrets Of Success - Why Some Firms Prosper In Today's Tough Environment

Editor: Bobby, what is your role in the firm? Meadows: I am managing partner in the firm's Houston office. Editor: Today law firms are going through a difficult period. Our readers and viewers are interested in why some firms continue to be successful even in this environment. Your firm is an...

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The Cost Impact Of FERA, S. 458 And H.R. 1788 - The Hospice Example

Editor: Brad, please describe Odyssey HealthCare. Bickham: Odyssey HealthCare is the nation's largest provider of hospice services to terminally ill patients and their families. We take care of over 12,000 patients and their families daily and have approximately 6,500 employees. We operate coast...

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Why The Congressional Investigation Is A Unique Beast

Editor: Would each of you tell our readers about your backgrounds involving congressional, Justice Department and other governmental investigations? Donovan: I started my career in congressional investigations while in law school back in 1997. I spent the summer and fall working for Senator...

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King & Spalding: Pro Bono Making A Difference At Home And Abroad

Editor: Please tell us about your professional background. Hoffmann : I began my career in academia, getting my Ph.D. in philosophy and becoming a professor of philosophy at Ithaca College. While teaching, I became interested in the philosophy of law and began auditing classes at Cornell Law. I...

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