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An International Focus In A Texas Venue

Editor: Mr. Smith, you were one of the pioneers in opening King & Spalding's Houston office in 1995. Refresh our memories as to why King & Spalding chose to open an office in Houston. Smith: The general counsel of Texaco asked us to open an office in Houston in 1995 to service the...

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Containing E-Discovery Costs - And The Legislative Assault On Twombly And Iqbal

Editor: Are your corporate counsel clients concerned about litigation costs? Schneider: Definitely. Editor: To what extent do they attribute this to e-discovery costs resulting from notice pleading? Schneider: The reality is that discovery now in most large cases is e-...

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A Lawyer's Highest Calling

Editor: Please remind our readers of how you came to the law. Hoffmann: Although I have been practicing law for 32 years, law is actually a second career for me. As a teacher at a small college in upstate New York, I taught a course on the philosophy of law, which intrigued me about law itself. I...

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Kenneth A. Raskin: Growing One Of The Nation's Premiere Employee Benefits And Executive Compensation Practices

Editor: What attracted you to King & Spalding? Raskin: King & Spalding is a great law firm with top-notch lawyers who collaborate well. The firm continues to expand its international presence, having opened an office in Geneva, Switzerland, this past June. (It is important to note that...

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A Blending Of East And West

Editor: Mr. Ali, as managing partner of King & Spalding's offices in Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Abu Dhabi and deputy global head of the firm's award winning Islamic Finance practice group, please describe your practice. Ali: My practice places heavy emphasis on advising Middle Eastern ultra high...

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Board Development: A Dynamic Process To Enhance Board Performance

Recent events have placed increased demands on the boards of public companies, and investors, regulators and lawmakers are calling on boards to improve their performance in key areas such as strategy, oversight of risk management, succession planning and the nomination process. Rather than seeking...

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A World-Class Firm Residing In Atlanta

Editor: Please tell our readers about your professional experience. What drew you to Atlanta and to King & Spalding? Stephenson: Being a native Georgian, I naturally gravitated to Atlanta after my graduation from the University of Chicago Law School in 1971 and have practiced in Atlanta since...

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