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Southeast Asia - An Attractive Investment Destination

Editor: Please tell our readers about your background and experience, both in your current role at King & Spalding and as corporate counsel for certain Pacific Rim companies. Weems: I am the managing partner of King & Spalding's Singapore office and have been there since last year...

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Global Patent Strategy: Bridging The Gap Between The Developed And Developing World

Patents are national rights, granted and enforced by a given country. The national characteristic of patent rights presents a significant challenge for companies operating in a global business environment. Some challenges are practical, relating to the complexity and cost involved in filing...

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Diversity At King & Spalding: Fully Embedded In Firm Culture

Editor: Please tell our readers about your professional background. Matchett: I attended college at Morehouse, in Atlanta, and then the University of Georgia law school. After clerking for a judge, I made an unusual move: I went directly in-house, rather than private practice. It was a...

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Roundtable:Arbitration - Is It Still A Viable Alternative To Litigation?

Editor: Given your experience in the field, do you believe that arbitration is becoming too costly? Hinchey: In recent years, the business community has complained that arbitration of commercial disputes is becoming just as time-consuming and costly as litigation. In 2009-2010, two...

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The UK Bribery Act 2010: Be Prepared

The current UK anti-corruption legislation is a mixture of common and statutory law, some of which dates back to 1889. It has been criticised as being confusing and complex, with increasingly little relevance to global corruption problems. The UK government has also been criticised for being out...

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Recent Changes In The Ninth Circuit's Jurisprudence

In the last five years, the trends in the filing of securities class actions have resulted in a decline in filings in the Ninth Circuit, which formerly was the epicenter of securities class action litigation, and an increase in filings in the Second Circuit.More recently, as that trend toward...

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M&A Transactions In India

This article discusses certain key legal and regulatory aspects relevant to M&A transactions in India from the perspective of a U.S. investor, while highlighting certain comparisons and differences with relevant U.S. regulations. Foreign Investment Regulations Foreign investment in...

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