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International Trade

The Middle East: Where The Investment And Trade Sun Rises

Editor: Describe the nature of your practice. Salah: We have a Middle East and Islamic finance and investment practice group that has attorneys in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East. Our Middle Eastern offices include Abu Dhabi, Dubai and an affiliated office in Riyadh. I’m the global...

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International Trade

Dubai International Financial Center – Entrance To The Global Economy

Editor: Please tell our readers about the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), including its mission and services to U.S. and multinational corporations. Ali: The DIFC is designed to afford multinational banks, financial institutions and investment companies, law firms, accounting firms...

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International Trade

The Senate Passes Legislation To Apply The Trade Laws To Chinese Currency Practices

The Senate, with strong bipartisan support, recently passed legislation to address currency manipulation by countries that significantly undervalue their currency. The bill, known as the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011 (S. 1619), is designed to address currency manipulation...

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Potential Changes For Structuring Investments In India

India and Mauritius are likely to begin renegotiating the current India-Mauritius Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (the “DTAA”) in the near future. The DTAA provides for the assessment of a capital gains tax on an investor only in the country of such investor’s residence....

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Russia: Expanding Opportunities For Foreign Investment In Major Oil And Gas Deposits

In the context of forthcoming Russian presidential elections, discussions have resumed concerning possible steps that Russia might take to encourage greater foreign investment and generally simplify transactions in strategic sectors of the Russian economy, including oil and natural gas projects...

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Antitrust & Competition

Delaware Chancery Court Upholds “Sign And Consent” Transaction And Board Process

On September 30, 2011, Vice Chancellor Noble issued an opinion in In re OPENLANE, Inc. Shareholders Litigation[1] that reiterated the permissibility of using a “sign and consent” structure for obtaining stockholder approval of a merger. The OPENLANE decision is also noteworthy as Vice...

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EPA Signals A More Aggressive Effort To Control Certain Pollutants In Water Discharges

EPA is becoming more assertive in using National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) permits to control certain discharges to troubled bodies of water, including stormwater discharges to those waters.[1] On October 5, 2011, EPA renewed the NPDES permit for point source...

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