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Banking | Finance

Are Corporations Ready To Be Transparent And Share Irrelevant Documents With Opposing Counsel To Obtain Substantial Cost Savings Through The Use Of Predictive Coding?

The discovery process does not require a producing party to produce irrelevant documents in response to a request for production under Fed. R. Civ. P. 34. To the contrary, the scope of discovery is expressly limited to discovery that is relevant to any party’s claim or defense, or if good...

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Energy Independence vs. Energy Interdependence

Editor: You were recently named head of King & Spalding’s Global Transactions Practice Group. What subject areas does this group comprehend? Culotta: Global transactions, the name that we gave this practice, is focused on two different, and interestingly convergent, themes. First is...

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Avoid The Slippery Slope By Practicing Strict Compliance With Global Antibribery Laws!

Editor: Please discuss the differences between the UK Bribery Act and the FCPA in their comprehensiveness and reach. Thompson: The two acts are similar in effectively making it illegal to offer, promise or give a bribe. One widely discussed difference is that the UK Bribery Act does not have an...

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Real Estate

A New York Office That Connects All The Dots

Editor: Bob, please describe your role in the New York City office. Perry: I am the office managing partner and a partner in the intellectual property practice specializing in patent litigation. My role as office managing partner is to ensure that the New York office runs smoothly and...

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Say On Pay: Analyzing The Second Year Of Shareholder Votes

Executive compensation levels at public companies have been the focus of media headlines for a number of years. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank) requires that public companies conduct shareholder advisory votes on executive compensation, generally...

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An Insider’s Look At Investigations

Editor: Please give our readers a snapshot of your background before coming to King & Spalding. Hruska: I was a prosecutor for a number of years, first at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, where I prosecuted financial crime. Later I worked as senior counsel for Larry Thompson...

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Intellectual Property

The International Trade Commission: An Ideal Forum For Patent Cases Involving Imports

Editor: Tony, please describe your practice in the IP area. Pezzano: I’ve been litigating in the patent area in a variety of different technologies for over 20 years. I’ve been fortunate from the very beginning of my career to be on major patent litigation cases, beginning with...

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