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5 Critical Contract Management Features Every Business Needs

With economic uncertainty weighing heavy, now more than ever, it’s time to work smarter. But despite any headwinds, contract management cannot grind to a halt. Contract management software can give organizations the right tools to maximize their resources (time, money, personnel) while optimizing revenue. But what should you look for when evaluating a CLM? Join Contract Logix for a 30-minute webcast as they discuss the 5 critical contract management features every business needs.


How to Use CLM Software for Quick Wins and Immediate ROI in 2023

2023 is forcing companies into a cost-savings mode, and teams that do not directly generate new business – such as Legal – are getting a reduced budget share. To better allocate available resources and demonstrate the material impact of legal work on business growth, legal teams need software that moves at their pace. Join us for a demonstration of ContractWorks, a simple, affordable, and value-driven contract lifecycle management solution.

From Fragmented to a Well-Oiled Machine: The Tyson eDiscovery Program Journey

Join us as we have a fireside chat with Tyson’s eDiscovery program director and learn how in 2 years they went from a fragmented program to having a long-term strategy. With the help of Epiq’s Discovery Health Check, Tyson Foods implemented foundational changes, such as: Implementing documented workflows, using advanced techniques and developing trusted partnerships.

Meet SimpleLegal, the tried and true way for legal teams to demonstrate impact and value

Watch this video for a demo of SimpleLegal and learn why legal departments trust our solution to drive cost savings and provide transparency for better business decisions and outcomes.

Putting Policy into Practice: Real-World Examples of What it Takes to Stay Compliant Across Industries and Regions

When every geographic region where your organization operates comes with its own unique set of regulations (which also shift independently over time), it starts to feel impossible to stay on top of every change. And there’s no rule book for putting policy into practice — how are you supposed to know if you’ve implemented a policy as intended? And to that end, where are you supposed to find the time to constantly revise processes, revisit your employee handbook, and communicate policies in real time for each new regulation? It helps to learn tips and tricks from experts who do it daily. Tune in as HR leaders go head-to-head with examples of policy implementation best practices and insights. As companies of varying size, service, industry, and approach to policy management, this discussion will cover everything you need to know to keep your enterprise up to date and compliant.

Dark Patterns in the Spotlight: When Does Design Become Deception?

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), starting with a workshop in April of 2021, has been increasingly signaling its interest in “dark patterns.” Recent enforcement actions by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) have challenged marketing techniques as “dark patterns.” According to the FTC and CFPB, companies use websites and apps that employ tricks and design features to manipulate consumers to take actions they did not necessarily intend to take, such as upgrading a purchase or signing up for an automatically renewing subscription. Drawing the line between illegal “dark patterns” and effective marketing can be challenging, and being on the wrong side of the line can bring unwanted external attention as well as liability for deceptive, abusive, and unfair trade practices. In this video, Sharon Kohn, Senior Legal Editor in the Practical Law Commercial Transactions service, will moderate a discussion with Leonard L. Gordon and Liz Clark Rhinehart of Venable LLP about how in-house counsel can help their businesses navigate this changing area of regulation.