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Contract Data is Not the Holy Grail

Hot take: Contract data is not the holy grail... unless you know how to leverage it. Most organizations don’t know where to begin sifting through their mountain of data and can quickly get overwhelmed. Contract management tools provide access to valuable insights into how to take your contract data analysis to the next level. But where do you start?

Decoding Your Contracts: Insights for Data Breaches, M&A, and Price Increases

There are critical moments for the business where it is crucial to know what is in your executed contracts for effective decision-making and risk management. Join us as we delve into the realm of contract intelligence and explore its immense potential in three critical scenarios: data breaches, M&A transactions, and price increases.

Arming the Modern GC to Win the Data Privacy War

Join OpenText experts Andy Teichholz, Tracy Drynan and Juan Di Luca as they discuss emergent trends and drivers re-shaping legal responsibilities around data privacy management and compliance. They demonstrate how legal leaders and their teams are leveraging existing advanced analytics and eDiscovery technology and refining workflows to support key data privacy use cases and meet those stringent and challenging obligations.

Greenwashing and Other ESG Pitfalls: What Corporate Lawyers Need to Know about Environmental, Social, and Governance Statements

In this second of two webcasts giving practical guidance on current ESG best practices for in-house lawyers, Thomson Reuters experts will discuss the current state of ESG statements, with an emphasis on EU and US regulation.

Tech-Tastrophe: Three Pitfalls to Avoid for Legal Tech Implementations

77% of in-house lawyers reported having at least one failed technology adoption project according to the 2022 In-house Legal Tech Report by ContractWorks which surveyed 350 in-house lawyers from the US and UK. Implementing new technology can be a daunting task. But it doesn't have to be. Join us as we explore the top 3 pitfalls to avoid when introducing new tech.

Accelerate your Compliance program with the Three C’s Privacy Pack

Stay ahead of the curve and ensure that your organization is fully compliant with the latest privacy laws in these three states. Our expert speakers will provide an in-depth overview of the new privacy laws in California, Colorado, and Connecticut, and discuss how to develop and implement a comprehensive privacy compliance program that meets these new requirements.