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Competition & Regulatory Scrutiny in ‘The New Normal’

As the COVID-19 pandemic subsides, and the world adjusts to the “new normal," there is mounting evidence of a shift in approach by regulatory enforcement agencies around the world. Industries that have historically been at lower risk of investigation are coming under increasing scrutiny – and the tactics used by regulators are changing. In this webinar, a panel of experts will facilitate a discussion – and answer questions – about the evolving landscape of regulatory scrutiny in 2023 and beyond.

Data Breach Response – Technologies, Techniques and Technicalities

The retention of prolific sensitive, personal electronic information has essentially become a responsibility inherent in the conduct of modern business. From the maintenance of medical records by a healthcare provider to the storage of credit card numbers and even security questions and answers by online shopping vendors, retaining, preserving and protecting personal health information (PHI) and personal identifiable information (PII) has become just one cost of doing business in today's electronic age. Unfortunately, the unintended release of this information -- whether from cyberattacks, malicious employees, or even inadvertence -- presents a constant and ever-increasing risk. And when sensitive information is released, organizations and their counsel must respond swiftly to identify precisely what was released and who was affected, to fully assess impact and discharge breach notification obligations. Join experts from OpenText as they explore the current and future technologies and techniques used to accomplish these objectives, and the technicalities that must be considered along the way.

Compliance, Ethics & Privilege, Part II

On Nov. 7, 2022, CCBJ held its 4th Annual Women in Business & Law in-person event. Back by popular demand are our panelists from the Compliance, Ethics & Privilege session to continue the conversation including their thoughts on: • Creating a Culture of Compliance - What does that mean? • What is the role of the COO • How Not to be the "Department of No" • Internal - Know your audience • How to organize privilege? Who should own it?

Collaborative & Consultative Approach to Modern Data

As more and more companies are utilizing cloud services and mobile applications, many e-discovery firms are struggling to keep up with this rapidly advancing technology. During this session, Sandline's team of e-discovery consultants will detail how they take a uniquely holistic approach when working with these complex modern data sources to ensure their clients' success. Their team will discuss consulting with clients to understand the scope of the engagement, forensic collections, custom data processing, and overseeing the review process.

Mitigate the Risks of Mobile: Tips & Tactics to Avoid Costly Missteps

In today’s hybrid, on-the-go – work from anywhere, anytime environment – the lines between business communications and personal exchanges are more than blurred – they often appear fused. But a recent surge in enforcement actions – and steep fines – around these types of communications cannot be ignored. Watch our webcast as expert panelists provide sound, actionable guidance to help protect your organization with clear strategies to avoid potential missteps of mobile.

The Future of Legal Modernization

We’re excited to share Luma, a methodology that builds consensus, ties strategic vision to tactical reality, and helps legal teams share stories of value in a way that generates momentum.