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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

SEQRA After Sandy: From Adaptation To Resilience?

In less than two years, New York State has experienced three significant extreme weather events, resulting in 38 of 62 New York counties being declared disaster areas.[1] First, in August 2011, Hurricane Irene hit New York State, wreaking specific havoc on the Catskills and Mohawk Valley. A week...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

The Changing Landscape Of Liability For Natural Resource Damages

Many jurisdictions have announced that they plan to more actively pursue natural resource damages (“NRDs”) from potentially responsible parties (“PRPs”) deemed liable under CERCLA or Superfund. Recent developments in case law have changed the landscape when it comes to...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Accessing Securities Class Action Information From Securities Class Action Filings – 2012 Year in Review

Editor: Sasha, please tell us about Cornerstone Research. Aganin: Cornerstone Research is a national firm, providing economic and financial consulting and expert testimony in complex litigation and regulatory proceedings. We work with a broad network of expert witnesses, including faculty and...

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