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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Insurance Questions Posed By Business Losses In Hurricane Sandy

Individuals, businesses and their insurers are still tallying the harm Hurricane Sandy caused, including tragic loss of life and property. Hurricane Sandy damaged infrastructure, including railways, roads, bridges, ports, utilities and communications networks. And Hurricane Sandy has had –...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Insurance Coverage Lessons From Katrina: Insurance Companies Should Be Protecting Policyholders, Not Insurance Companies

Much of the Northeast was not fully prepared for Superstorm Sandy, and its effects will linger for some time. But one industry largely headquartered in the Northeast had been preparing for the storm for years: the insurance industry. Since Hurricane Andrew in 1992, the insurance...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Insurance Coverage For Hurricane Sandy Losses

The devastating consequences of Hurricane Sandy to American families and businesses, particularly those in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, cannot be overstated. As those affected by the storm begin the process of rebuilding and returning to normalcy, their attention will undoubtedly turn to...

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