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Board of Directors

Crisis Management And Disaster Recovery: A Matter For Experienced Forensic Advisors

Editor: Please give us an overview of disaster situations that you have helped clients manage. Dahlberg: We have assisted clients affected by the 9/11 terrorist attack, Oklahoma bombing, Japanese earthquake, Hurricane Irene and more recently Superstorm Sandy. Our work primarily involves...

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Civil Justice

E-Discovery Technology And The Art Of Client Service

Editor: Kiersted Systems has a 30-year record of delivering superior results in electronic discovery projects – on time and on budget. What key factors do you address in helping clients manage today’s litigation costs? Kiersted: Clients are dealing with vast increases in data...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Regulatory Risks Growing Faster Than The Ability To Deal With Them: Results From A Global Risk Survey

Editor: What were the main findings of KPMG’s survey on risk management, and how big a survey was it? Girgenti: We asked nearly 1,100 C-level executives around the world what issue posed the greatest threat to their industry, and in almost every sector they said the top threat was...

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