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Diversity Matures At Law Firms: Ask Sarah Reid

Editor: You are the chair of Kelley Drye's diversity and inclusion committee and the first woman partner at the firm. How has the definition of diversity changed over the years? Reid: Our understanding of diversity has deepened and become much more sophisticated. When I first started...

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Washington Supreme Court Overturns Rulings Recognizing The "Duty To Warn" About The Dangers Of Another Company's Products

In two potentially landmark decisions, the Supreme Court of the State of Washington decided last month that defendants cannot be held liable for failing to warn of the hazards of another manufacturer's product that is applied to or incorporated into the defendants' products. These rulings should...

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Bankruptcy & Restructuring

Advocating Differences: From Hell's Kitchen To Park Avenue

Editor: Jim, can you describe your position at the firm today? Carr: I have been practicing law for 22 years. I'm chair of Kelley Drye's bankruptcy department and a member of the firm's executive committee. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame School of Law in 1987,...

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Exchanges For Listing SPACs - A Shifting Landscape

Special purpose acquisition companies ("SPACs") are newly formed entities that raise capital through an initial public offering ("IPO") of their equity securities. The securities are usually units comprised of common shares and warrants, and the proceeds are usually deposited into a trust and...

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India: Business Process Outsourcing And A Great Deal More

Editor: Mr. Ansari, would you tell our readers about your professional experience with India's legal system? Ansari: I went to law school at the University of Delhi, after having completed my undergraduate work at the University's St. Stephen's College. I was fortunate in being able to begin my...

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Court Reform Right Under Our Nose

The consistent calls for litigation reform are likely to intensify in volume and tone as those affected by the current business conditions increasingly turn to the courts. One possible means to quick and effective reform in business cases is right at our fingertips - in fact, it is already law. By...

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Praising LCJ's Efforts - A Commercial Litigator's Perspective

Editor: On the basis of your long experience as a litigator involved in difficult antitrust and other commercial cases, how important were LCJ's efforts with respect to Federal Rule of Evidence 502, which culminated in its enactment? Donovan: Rule 502 solves a major problem, and LCJ deserves the...

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