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Kelley Drye:Inclusion And Diversity Thrive Despite Challenging Times

Editor: You have chaired Kelley Drye & Warren LLP's Diversity & Inclusion Committee since its creation in 2003. What changes and progress have you seen over the years at your firm? Reid: Diversity has long been a core value at Kelley Drye. The firm created the Diversity & Inclusion...

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Controlling Litigation Costs

While the legal costs associated with complex litigation have always been of concern to corporate legal departments, the recent precarious state of the economy has certainly heightened those concerns. Fortunately, there are proven practices and approaches that can be utilized to control costs. This...

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Winning The Battle But Losing The War: Does Ease In Obtaining Declaratory Judgment Jurisdiction After Hewlett-Packard Company v. Acceleron, LLC Benefit Anyone?

Can a communication from a "non-competitor" patent holder, who has never sued for patent infringement under any patent before,1that does not contain language threatening an infringement suit or demanding a license, form the basis for a declaratory judgment action for non-infringement and...

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Facebook Issues New Guidelines For Running Promotions On Its Platform

As Facebook continues to grow in popularity, more companies have started to run various types of sweepstakes, contests, and other promotions on the Facebook Platform. Whenever a company runs - or even advertises - a promotion on a third-party platform, such as Facebook, the company must not only...

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Federal Communications Commission Proposes "Network Neutrality" Rules Intended To Preserve A Free And Open Internet

"Net neutrality" has been the subject of heated debate for years here in Washington. The term "net neutrality" means different things to different people - and even to the same people at different times. This should surprise no one familiar with the ways of the nation's capital. At its core,...

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Winter Storm Passes: Second Circuit Court Of Appeals Overturns Recent Decision Permitting Attachment Of Electronic Fund Transfers By Maritime Plaintiffs

United States' federal courts are vested with exclusive jurisdiction over civil maritime or admiralty disputes, i.e. , disputes relating to matters occurring on vessels or as a result of the employment of a vessel. In analyzing whether maritime jurisdiction is present in any given contract-...

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Putting Teeth Into "Pay-To-Play"

Editor: Please describe your practice in the area of campaign finance and political law, government relations and public policy. Frulla : We at Kelley Drye work to help business and other entities address a wide range of laws governing their interactions with government at the federal, state and...

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