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Liquidity Issues For Plan Fiduciaries Relating To Securities Lending Or Stable Value Funds

Plan fiduciaries are currently facing various liquidity issues in connection with pension and 401(k) plans. There are two circumstances, in particular, where plan administrators are dealing with new and unexpected concerns: securities lending programs and stable value funds. Plan administrators...

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New Jersey Law Firm Practice - Adapting To Change And Finding Opportunity

Editor: Please describe your professional background for our readers. Boyle: I was a 1988 summer associate at Kelley Drye, a first-year associate in 1989 and made partner in 1999. I have been a commercial litigator throughout my career. After three years in Kelley Drye's New York office, I...

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Do Not Kid Yourself: You Don't Have To Be A "Tech" Company To Face Risk From Privacy And Data Security Claims

In this day and age, virtually every business is a "data" or "Internet" company by virtue of handling various types of personal information, and thus has exposure to privacy and data security related claims. Whether the claims arise from a "hacking" incident on a company's website or network, a...

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The Effect On International Trade In An Economic Downturn

Editor: As Chairman of the International Trade and Customs practice group of Kelley Drye & Warren, how are the current economic conditions affecting your practice area and your clients involved in international trade? Hartquist: We are very busy, and I expect that during the course of 2009 we'...

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Glass-Steagall - A Phoenix About To Rise Again?

In the wake of the current credit crisis and continuing decline in the United States economy, Congress and the Obama administration are expected to introduce sweeping new reforms that will increase governmental oversight of the financial services market. Through reporting requirements and other...

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Health IT Law Addresses Interoperability, Privacy, Security And Deployment Of Electronic Health Records

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH), signed into law by President Barack Obama as part of The American Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, aims to improve healthcare delivery to patients by reducing medical errors, driving down costs, and...

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Early 2009 Shows Active FTC Data Security Enforcement; No Room For Lax Safeguards

Over the last three years, the Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") has settled with fourteen businesses over alleged inadequate data security practices concerning how such businesses protect consumers' personal information. The start of 2009 makes clear that the FTC intends to continue its aggressive...

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