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Professional-Grade eBooks For Lawyers

The use of mobile technologies continues to explode within the practice of law. Tablets, particularly the iPad, are being rapidly adopted. Together with ultra-thin laptops and smartphones, it’s hard to imagine an attorney who doesn’t use one or more (or even perhaps all) of these...

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Manufacturing | Technology

Outsourcing IT And Business Processes: A Viable Corporate Strategy

Editor: Tell us about your background and experience. Brito: I have been a technology lawyer for over 20 years, focusing on technology transactions, specifically outsourcing and outsourcing-related transactions. My interest in technology was sparked when I was living in the heart of Silicon...

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Expertise In Data Analysis: A Path To Greater Predictability And Control

Editor: Tell us about your background and how that fits into your role on the CounselLink team. Satkunas: The theme that is consistent throughout my career is “analytics.” Analytics is really my passion. I was a finance major in college – hence the business interest. I’...

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