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Implications Of Proposed Changes To FRCP On E-Discovery

Editor: Please talk about current initiatives toward amending the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that affect e-discovery and litigation hold responsibilities. Wetzel: The current initiative took root in May 2010 at the Duke University School of Law Civil Litigation Conference, where judges,...

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Social Media Roundtable: Privacy Issues And Courtroom Implications

Editor: In what ways has social media altered the definition of privacy (and the reasonable expectation thereof), and how do you imagine it evolving going forward? Clark: The prevalence of social media has blurred the line between what information is public and private as well as the line...

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Melding Humans And Machines In E-discovery

Editor: Please describe your background. Barnett: At the beginning of my legal career, I handled a wide variety of cases, including tax, securities, accounting fraud and corporate governance. My parallel interest in computers – I first started programming computers at a young age –...

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