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Cloud Computing And E-Discovery: Maximum Gain, Minimum Cost

Cloud computing’s cost savings and quick return on investment is frequently making headlines in many sectors, including legal.[1] With litigation and e-discovery on the rise, it’s important to cut costs without sacrificing quality, and cloud computing is the new “go-to”...

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Technology | Telecommunications

Traditional Media In The World Of Bloggers, Tweeters And Anonymous Speakers: Any Lessons For Non-Media Businesses?

When the Internet came on the scene, traditional media sources, including newspapers, magazines and television stations, created websites and began posting the content that they were selling to subscribers and newsstand purchasers while laboring to find an Internet advertising model that worked....

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Technology | Telecommunications

The NLRB Gives All Employers Cause For Concern

A newly activist National Labor Relations Board (the “NLRB” or the “Board”) has given all employers – whether or not their workplaces are unionized – reason to pay close attention to its activities. While many of its initiatives will be subject to...

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