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Information Governance

Distinguishing Data That Matters Most: Survey says: Users want easily accessible metrics

When you are looking for a needle in a haystack, the addition of more hay does not alter your objective, only your approach. The same is true when searching for relevant information. Although we live in an era of exponentially increasing data volumes, the reality is that the material that matters...

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E-Discovery Stays Unique As It Goes Mainstream: Managing projects today means managing heightened client expectations

As technologies and workflows have evolved, e-discovery has become less arduous – if no less important. To e-discovery veteran Sean King, that means there’s even more pressure on project managers to understand and tailor solutions based on the inherent uniqueness of every engagement....

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BYOD Brings Both Risks & Rewards: Considering the information governance implications of BYOD programs

As companies work to control costs and mitigate risk, bring your own device (BYOD) programs create as many questions as solutions. Employees are looking for faster and more fully integrated mobile devices – while corporate law and IT departments work to control costs, mitigate risk and to...

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