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Automatically Assembling Agreements: There’s software that can free up lawyers to do the real work

I’m going to ask you a question. Your answer probably determines how you feel about the future of practicing law and using legal technology. Think of yourself falling along a continuum. If you fall at one end, you’re in a group of lawyers who believe that any given legal matter is an...

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Artificial Intelligence

AI is Transforming Corporate Law Departments: Technology coupled with specialized professional skills drive quality and consistency

Andrew Shimek is President and COO of Neota Logic, a company that offers a software development platform powered by artificial intelligence. Their platform enables legal professionals and others to build apps, automate advice, create and route documents using streamlined workflows. The interview...

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Are You Bilingual in Cybersecurity? Lawyers need to learn to speak tech, and IT professionals need to speak legal

Sam Chi has been working at the intersection of lawyers and technology for more than 15 years. He spent a decade managing a team of e-discovery technical consultants at Latham & Watkins before moving to FRONTEO, where he is a senior vice president in discovery services. He’s witnessed the...

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