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Antitrust & Competition

Leveraging An International Platform To Bring Maximum Value To Clients

Editor: As head of Proskauer’s office in Hong Kong, please tell our readers about the Hong Kong office’s key practice areas, the size of your office and the individual practice areas represented in the office. Tal: Our Asia practice is focused on M&A, private equity (both fund...

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International Trade

The SEC's Conflict Minerals Rule

If you have tin, tantalum, gold or tungsten in your products, even if you didn't put them there, you need to know what research and reporting the Securities Exchange Commission's (SEC's) proposed Conflicts Minerals Rule, soon to be finalized, will require. Why Is The SEC Doing...

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International Trade

China-U.S. Relations And China's Role In The World

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the reopening of relations between China and the United States. Forty years ago, the Chinese and American leaders, with great vision and political wisdom, made the decision to reach out to each other after 22 years of estrangement and hostility. It was...

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