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Russia: Expanding Opportunities For Foreign Investment In Major Oil And Gas Deposits

In the context of forthcoming Russian presidential elections, discussions have resumed concerning possible steps that Russia might take to encourage greater foreign investment and generally simplify transactions in strategic sectors of the Russian economy, including oil and natural gas projects...

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Private Equity

M&A And Antitrust: Present Challenges And Future Opportunities

Editor: What is the current environment for M&A involving U.S. companies, either as acquirers or as acquisition targets? In what industry sectors do you see the greatest M&A activity? D’Urso: Despite the fact that we are not technically in a recession (two consecutive quarters of...

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Intellectual Property

When Doing Business In China, Hire A Seasoned Practitioner!

Editor: Mr. Lewin, please describe your broad practice and how it relates specifically to protection of intellectual property rights in China. Lewin: My practice breaks down into three areas: (1) major case litigation in various parts of the world, particularly the United States; (2) second,...

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