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Staying Out Of Jail - Renewed Emphasis On Immigration Compliance

Immigration reform is likely to be a key issue in the upcoming presidential election. Already, some Republican presidential candidates are calling for a substantial increase in the enforcement of federal immigration laws, including those against employers hiring unauthorized aliens. Similarly, as...

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Obama Administration Looks To Foreign Entrepreneurs For Job Growth

On August 2, 2011, the Obama Administration unveiled a series of new immigration initiatives to encourage foreign entrepreneurs to remain in the United States and spur job creation through start-ups and investment. Introduced as part of the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, the...

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Another Go At Immigration Reform?

The last several weeks have seen what amounts to a mini-flurry of immigration bills introduced in Congress as we head into the last half of 2011 and possibly the last chance for Congress to address immigration reform before the serious 2012 campaigning begins.In recent weeks, four major bills...

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