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The Limits Of Discretion

In a unanimous decision earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court saw fit to criticize the Department of Homeland Security for overreliance on the discretion of individual officers in deportation proceedings. In Judulang v. Holder, the Court strongly admonished the agency, finding that...

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What Business Needs: A National Immigration Policy

Editor: Please tell our readers about your practice. Grunblatt: Ours is a full-fledged business immigration practice; we provide immigration guidance primarily to employers, corporations and high-net-worth individuals, both immigration benefits (mainly facilitating the transfer or the hire of...

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USCIS Adjudications Being Challenged Again

As employers begin to gear up for the fiscal year 2013 H-1B nonimmigrant visa filing season (which begins April 1, 2012), Congress and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services are engaged in a renewed battle over whether the agency appropriately scrutinizes immigration filings. On February 15,...

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