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EU Businesses Should Prepare For That Dawn Raid

Recently, the American Bar Association’s Criminal Justice Committee’s 2014 International CLE Program was presented at the law office of NautaDutilh in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The theme of this year’s program was “White Collar Crime and Regulatory Trends in the EU and U...

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E-Discovery And Technology-Assisted Review – It Doesn’t Happen “Automagically”

Editor: Please tell us about your professional background. Brennan: I’ve been very fortunate to have fantastic mentors and experiences in the last 20 years. Currently I am a director at iDiscovery Solutions (iDS), where we provide consultative and expert e-discovery services to corporate...

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Predictive Coding In Practice: Success Stories From Three Years Of Predictive Coding

This article was published as part of Equivio's "Predictive Coding Minus the Hype" educational series. Introduction The e-discovery community is buzzing about predictive coding, and with good reason. The volume of electronically stored information (ESI) is expanding at a...

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