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From Zubulake To Information Governance: Enabling Big Data Projects By Applying Use Cases

Background Ms. Zubulake presented first. She was the plaintiff in the groundbreaking Zubulake case (dated from 2002 to 2005) that resulted in several legal opinions concerning electronic discovery (collectively “Zubulake”). Zubulake transformed the legal industry, established...

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Cross-Border eDiscovery: Cultural, Legal And Practical Implications

Hefler: What is the problem as between U.S. and EU jurisdictions (and other global jurisdictions) when cross-border discovery is required? Dale: Put as briefly as possible, U.S. discovery is extremely broad compared with that of any other jurisdiction. Other common law countries which require...

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Corporate Counsel

Quality Managed Reviews: The Secret Of Success

Editor: Please describe your roles at FTI and fill us in on your backgrounds. McCarthy: I am a senior managing director in the FTI Consulting Technology practice and am based in Washington, DC. I have over 18 years’ experience in the legal industry with a special focus on second request...

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