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Digging for Deep Expertise: Big data and discovery deadlines drive surging need for well-prepared experts

MCC: It’s hard to overstate just how much the size and shape of datasets have changed, along with the scope of the data analysis required to support expert testimony in today’s high-stakes litigation and investigations. Tell us how you came to be involved in such a rapidly evolving area...

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In the Cross-Border Data Crosshairs: Focus on four areas to mitigate the danger of data transfer across borders

Cross-border data transfers are not only frequent, but often crucial components of everyday business. Today’s patterns of global data flow would be unrecognizable to a technologist of 20 years ago, and developments in global communication networks and business processes continue to evolve at...

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Practical Legal Considerations When Thinking About Cloud Computing

With applications, documents, videos, podcasts and other programs, businesses are running into a common problem – limited space (or memory) to host files locally or internally. Many businesses are increasingly looking to “the cloud” as a solution, allowing scalable and secure data...

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