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A Tale of Trust: Fast and fluid communication drives a successful e-discovery collaboration

When it comes to something as important and fast moving as e-discovery, a lynchpin of litigation, knowing what you’re good at and, especially, what others may be better equipped to handle, is critical. It’s a challenging ecosystem where a misstep can undermine not only a well-designed...

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Structured What? Leveraging structured data to build a better story

Let’s talk about data – structured data. Any IT analyst will tell you that all data is structured. He/she, for example, will note your Microsoft Word file is very highly structured and adheres to rigorous format rules and this is what defines and differentiates MS Word files, Excel...

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From the Big Sort to Big Data: Tech and talent evolution drive managed review revolution

MCC: You began your career as a practicing lawyer. What led you down the eDiscovery path and, eventually, to RVM? Brown: When I graduated from law school in 2003, I had never heard the word “eDiscovery.” I certainly hadn’t had any courses in it. I started out at a securities class...

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