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Five Traps For The Unwary Licensee

Licensors and licensees enter into agreements with each other all the time with respect to the commercialization of products covered by patent rights or other technology. These agreements can take many forms, including “pure” license grants, R&D collaborations and joint venture...

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Purposes And Pitfalls Of Letters Of Intent

Letters Of Intent Defined Letters of Intent, sometimes referred to as "memorandums of understanding," are frequently used in media transactions and are pre-contractual documents that set forth certain basic terms upon which parties intend to enter into binding definitive agreements....

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Contract Management – Doing More With Less

Let me begin with some background on Business Integrity. We are a 12-year-old legal technology company focused on contract management. Business Integrity grew out of pioneering work done by a London law firm with two of its clients, Logic Programming Associates and Standard Chartered Bank. From...

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