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Expert Contracting For Software Licensing Transactions

Editor: Please tell us about your practice. Nash: I’m a partner here at Norris McLaughlin. My practice consists mostly of corporate transactional work, and in the last few years, I’ve developed a specialty in technology contracting, including software licensing transactions. I...

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Healthcare | Life Sciences

Buyer Beware: Important “Supply” Issues For Life Science Companies

Very often, a biotech or other life sciences company will need to purchase materials or products from a third party vendor. This arrangement could be in connection with the company’s clinical testing/R&D or in connection with the company’s commercial supply of its product. In any...

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Business Integrity’s 2013 Contract Management Survey Reveals Big Opportunities For Savings

Given the relentless pressure on law departments to reduce costs while improving service and compliance, it’s not surprising that Business Integrity’s 2013 contract management survey found that 46 percent of respondents are planning to automate their contract processes. The survey was...

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