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A Good Year For Antitrust Defendants

2007 will go down in the annals as nothing less than a historically pleasant year for antitrust defendants. The Supreme Court decided four antitrust cases between February and June, favoring the defendant in each and every instance. Major appellate courts - with one notable exception - ruled...

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A Rule Of Reason For Vertical Price Fixing - Part II

This is the second half of an examination, begun in last month's issue, of the Supreme Court's recent rejection in the Leegin case of its 96-year-old rule against resale price maintenance ("RPM"). In this installment, the authors assess the potential practical ramifications of the decision in the U...

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Europe Looks At Collective Redress

Editor: Would each of you tell our readers something about your professional experience? Shankland: I am a partner in Weil Gotshal's London dispute resolution team. I have been with the firm for seven and a half years. I originally qualified as a barrister but left the bar to join Berwin...

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A Rule Of Reason For Vertical Price Fixing - Part I

This first installment of a two-part article examines the legal underpinnings of the Supreme Court's recent rejection of an antitrust rule against resale price maintenance ("RPM"), in place for 96 years. One of my most vivid memories of law school remains the class that my antitrust professor (...

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Opening A Hong Kong Office - Gateway To Asia

Editor: Please provide our readers with some biographical information, including your current practice areas at Weil Gotshal. Feist: I am a partner in the corporate department at Weil Gotshal and practice in the M&A and private equity areas. I am originally from New Zealand, where I studied...

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Gaming The Rigged Class Arbitration Game: How We Got Here And Where We Go Now - Part II

As discussed in Part I of this article (in the August, 2007 issue of the Metropolitan Corporate Counsel),1 the Supreme Court's decision in Green Tree Fin. Corp. v. Bazzle, 539 U.S. 444 (2003), spurred the implementation of new procedural rules applicable to class arbitrations and led to a surge in...

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Gaming The Rigged Class Arbitration Game: How We Got Here And Where We Go Now - Part I

Before the Supreme Court's decision in Green Tree Finan. Corp. v. Bazzle, 123 S.Ct. 2402 (2003), the possibility of having compulsory class or consolidated arbitration was an issue rarely contemplated by practitioners and clients, since class or consolidated arbitration proceedings were almost...

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