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Recent SEC And FASB Guidance On Fair Value Measurement And Disclosure - Part II

Part I of this article appeared in the December 2008 issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. The SEC staff hopes to elicit "clearer and more transparent disclosure" in the Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") section of periodic reports regarding the fair-value measurements...

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Avoid Bankruptcy - Restructuring In The UK And Beyond

Editor: Please tell our readers about your practice. Horspool: I am a partner in the firm's restructuring group in London. The formal processes here are very different from Chapter 11, which is a debtor in possession proceeding. Here, formal proceedings are run by accountants acting as...

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Recent SEC And FASB Guidance On Fair Value Measurement And Disclosure - Part I

Part II of this article dealing with the SEC's and FASB's clarifying of the application of FAS 157, the adoption of the new FASB staff position, FSP FAS 157-3, and sample comment letters sent by the SEC staff will appear in the January issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. By the time...

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An Overview Of The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act Of 2008

On Friday, October 3, 2008, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (the "EESA") was signed into law by President Bush. The EESA was first proposed by the Treasury Secretary for the purpose of restoring liquidity and stability to U.S. financial markets by authorizing the Treasury...

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Collective Redress Across The Pond

Editor: Following up on our interview with you both last November could you clarify for our readers the major differences between U.S. class actions and collective redress in Europe? Craig: Over recent years, collective redress has become a hot topic in Europe. There is recognition that...

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eBay Prevails In Suit Over Listings Of Claimed Counterfeit Tiffany Jewelry

In a highly anticipated decision, the Southern District of New York ruled in July that eBay Inc. was not liable for trademark infringement and related claims as a result of allegedly counterfeit Tiffany silver jewelry being offered for sale on eBay's website. The lawsuit had been closely watched...

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A Houston Office With Global Reach

Editor: John, please tell our readers about the beginnings of Weil's Houston office. Why did the firm decide to open a Houston practice? Strasburger: The Houston office opened as a bankruptcy practice in 1985, and quickly added litigation and corporate capabilities. Houston was then at the...

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