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VoIP Brings New Services, Features And Risks

In telecommunications today, "VoIP" is all the rage. Voice over Internet Protocol is the latest buzzword in an acronym filled industry. It can mean lots of things, but all of them have to do with sending voice communications over the Internet rather than through the "public switched telephone...

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U.S. Securities Issues In Spin-Offs And Subsidiary IPOs - Part II

In Part I, appearing in MCC's November 2005 issue, we discussed transactions such as spin-offs structured to avoid Securities Act registration of the stock of the subsidiary. In this Part II, we examine the steps required for registration of the stock of the subsidiary and the related restrictions...

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The Impact Of Sarbanes-Oxley On Not-For-Profit Companies - Part II

Following a string of corporate and accounting scandals, Congress passed The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 ("SOX") to regulate corporate governance. While most of SOX applies specifically only to public companies, SOX raised the expectations as to all companies, including not-for-profit companies ("...

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The Impact Of Sarbanes-Oxley On Not-For-Profit Companies - Part I

Following a string of corporate and accounting scandals at U.S. public companies, Congress passed The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (" SOX ") to regulate corporate governance, help prevent future abuses and restore public faith in federal oversight of public company governance. SOX and related rules...

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U.S. Securities Issues In Spin-Offs And Subsidiary IPOs

When management focuses on maximizing value, it continually reassesses the mix of businesses in the company's portfolio to determine which ones to hold, grow through investment or dispose. Typically, a disposition would be effected by selling the business to a third party. Management should,...

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A Litigation Practice With Noteworthy Strength In Technology And Telecommunications

Editor: Mr. Manishin, please tell our readers something about your professional experience. Manishin: I have been practicing in the areas of antitrust and telecommunications, with an emphasis on litigation, for more than 20 years. I began my career at the Department of Justice Antitrust Division...

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Is It Time To Use An RFP-Based Procurement Process?

We spend a lot of time assisting corporate buyers in procuring products and services they need to operate their businesses. The goal is always the right quantity, at the right quality, delivered at the right time and at the right price. In this procurement process, the "Request for Proposal" or "...

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