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Search Engine Advertising 101

Search engine advertising, the placement of advertising above, around and sometimes within the search results produced by Internet search engines (such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN), is one of the fastest growing advertising mediums in the United States. North American advertisers spent $9.4 billion...

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"Pink Sheets" - Part I

Pink Sheets launched OTCQX, a new market tier providing a premier trading, quotation and disclosure venue for securities of the highest quality companies in the United States' over-the-counter markets. The OTCQX premier tier levels require issuers to meet specific standards and ongoing public...

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An Overview Of NYSE Arca

Introduction In March 2006, the NYSE Group, Inc. (the "NYSE Group") merged with the Archipelago Exchange to create NYSE Arca (formerly known as the Archipelago Exchange, or ArcaEx, and the Pacific Exchange) offering smaller public companies an opportunity to list with the NYSE Group. The NYSE...

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Cause Marketing: How To Avoid The State Treasurer's Coffers From Becoming The Beneficiary Of Your Charitable Promotion

Marketers have historically recognized the benefits of connecting a for-profit company's image or sales to a charitable cause, and in recent years marketers have taken their efforts to a new level with a boom in campaigns that use sales of a particular product to benefit a charitable cause. For...

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New Laws Continue To Complicate Gift Card Programs

A growing number of retailers are selling gift cards to consumers. Various reports indicate that more than $110 billion worth of gift certificates were sold in 2005, with over $18 billion of those sales occurring during the holiday season alone. And, consulting firm Bain & Company reported that...

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Directors And Officers Liability Insurance Issues For Special Purpose Acquisition Corporations

A special purpose acquisition corporation, commonly known as a 'SPAC,' is a corporation formed for the purpose of raising capital through an initial public offering ('IPO') of its securities in order to fund an acquisition of an existing operating company or companies, often in a particular...

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SPACs: A Focus On China

A special purpose acquisition corporation, commonly known as a 'SPAC' (and formally a 'development stage company'), is a corporation formed for the purpose of raising capital through an initial public offering ('IPO') of its securities, in order to fund an acquisition of an existing operating...

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