Articles & Interviews

All Inclusive: At Minority Corporate Counsel Association and now at Duane Morris, Joe West champions diversity and inclusion in the legal sector

After four years as president and CEO of MCCA, Joe West is returning to private practice as a litigation partner with Duane Morris in Washington, D.C., and co-chief diversity and inclusion officer. He reflects on MCCA’s achievements during his tenure and shares his insights on the success and...

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Labor's Bail-Out Demands

When the Obama administration takes over, Big Labor will likely seek its own bail-out from the government. But rather than basing its plea on flawed business decisions that, left uncorrected, will have a catastrophic effect on the nation's economy, Big Labor will argue that it should get something...

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New Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellor Jane Leslie Dalton: Pro Diversity, Pro Judiciary, Pro Business

Editor: Please tell us something about your background and law firm practice. Dalton: I attended the University of Pennsylvania Law School at an interesting time, entering in 1968, the first year that men did not get deferred from the draft for graduate studies. When I entered, the third year...

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