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The Alien Tort Statute - Corporate Social Responsibility Takes On A New Meaning

Recently, Corporate Social Responsibility took on a new and enhanced meaning when Royal Dutch Shell settled with the plaintiffs for over $15 million in an Alien Tort Statute (ATS) lawsuit filed in New York federal court. Businesses with operations, suppliers or other dealings with the developing...

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Recent Developments In Chinese Law Impacting M&A By Foreign Investors In China

When the world experiences a global economic downturn, the pace of foreign investment and capital into China inevitably slows down. In order to attract foreign investment and maintain the growth of China's economy, the Chinese government has relaxed its M&A regulations, delegated more approval...

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Meaner Than Junkyard Dogs - What Will Obama Do With His Inspectors General?

It was Inauguration Day, January 20, 1981, and President Ronald Reagan's first day in office. Surprisingly, one of his first official acts was to notify Congress of his intention to fire all of his inspectors general (IGs), stating that it was essential for him to have the "fullest confidence" in...

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International Labor And Employment: Pitfalls And Solutions

Editor: Please tell us about Akin Gump's international labor and employment team. Cowman: Your reference to "team" is a good one; the international labor and employment group at Akin Gump has some of the best and brightest attorneys in the practice of law, but the team you mentioned is much...

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Corporate Governance In A Bad Economy

Editor:What are some of the important strategic topics for boards to consider in 2009? Schpok: A number of topics should be considered by boards in the current environment. I would include formulating corporate survival plans, reviewing takeover defenses, monitoring liquidity and financial...

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G-20 Releases Plan To Reform Financial Regulation

On April 2, 2009, the leaders of the G-201met in London to consider measures to spur world economic growth and create a more stable global economy. The same day, the G-20 issued a communiqué outlining the principles each member state agreed to follow in this effort, including, among other things,...

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The Potency Of The Investigative Power Of Congress

Editor: Which of your key assignments as chief counsel for numerous congressional investigating committees has given you the greatest personal satisfaction? Would you enumerate some of those assignments? Sopko: That is difficult to answer, as I've done hundreds of investigations and worked for...

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