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Abu Dhabi - World Of Tomorrow

Editor: Please tell us about your backgrounds. Griffin: I am a partner in the Investment Funds and Private Equity group. As the name implies, we specialize in investment funds, both private equity and hedge funds. I moved to Abu Dhabi about eight months ago to launch our practice in the region....

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"Anti-Steering" Insurance Laws: State Censorship Of Consumer Information Treads On First Amendment Rights

Anyone who ever needed his automobile repaired after an accident - which is to say nearly anyone who has ever owned a car - knows the situation. Your car is unexpectedly put out of commission.You need body repairs immediately, and you want the job done right. But you find yourself devoid of...

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Annual Compliance Obligations Of Investment Funds

SEC Form D And Blue Sky Filing Requirements Issuers that offer and sell interests in hedge funds, private equity funds or other pooled investment vehicles (each a "fund") are required to file a Form D with the SEC and amend their Form D filings on the anniversary of their last filing, if the...

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Honest Services Fraud And Antitrust: Will The Supreme Court Rewrite The Rules For "Competition Crimes"?

The trio of honest services fraud cases to be decided by the Supreme Court this term - U.S. v. Black , U.S. v. Skilling and U.S. v. Weyhrauch - have the potential to effect a major change in criminal enforcement policy at the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice ("the Division"). The...

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Supreme Court Overturns Restriction On Corporate and Union Spending In Elections

On January 21, in a decision written by Justice Anthony Kennedy, the Supreme Court by a five-to-four voteoverturned decades of restrictions on the ability of corporations and labor unions to use general treasury funds in support of, or opposition to, candidates for federal office.The Court did...

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What's Old Is New: The UK Supreme Court

Editor: Please tell our readers a little bit about your background. Lidsky: I graduated from Harvard Law School in 2004 and then clerked for Judge Thomas Ambro on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. After that I joined the appellate staff of the civil division of the U.S. Justice...

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Controlling The Costs Of Intellectual Property Litigation

In 2009, the cost of the average patent lawsuit, which was $5,000,000 in 2007, rose to $5,500,000.1The increased cost of patent litigation was indicative of the overall trend in intellectual property (IP) litigation. Across the board, the cost of IP litigation has risen substantially in recent...

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