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How Investigations and Discovery Are Being Transformed by Digital Breadcrumbs

What are digital breadcrumbs and why should you (and your company) care about them? Digital breadcrumbs are the user event metadata artifacts we leave behind when we interact with technology. Examples can include system login date/times, browser search history, and call durations for mobile device communications. 

Legal Operations

Decision-Making – How Does Your Legal Department Compare?

Across legal departments, there is great deal of discussion about “maturity models” and becoming more operationally mature. LexisNexis CounselLink’s maturity model is unique and focuses on improving how key decisions get made in the legal department.


Where There's Smoke...Conducting Effective Internal Investigations

Internal investigations are a common occurrence for corporate legal departments. They may be triggered by the departure of disgruntled employees, the potential loss of trade secrets, harassment claims, security breaches, or other events.

Legal Vendor Management – Designing a Program that Works

Effective vendor management programs extend beyond selecting a set of preferred firms to handle legal work.

Policies & Procedures for Preventing Harassment and Strategies for Controlling Discovery

Workplace harassment is an important and persistent challenge facing businesses today. Effective policies and training are essential to preventing and addressing harassment, and the EEOC in particular has provided valuable insights to help employers meet this challenge.

New Research Findings: How to Reduce Legal Spend w/o Sacrificing Quality

Everyone wants to spend less and do more, especially legal departments which are often viewed by their business counterparts as cost centers.