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Artificial Intelligence

Reducing Risk and Costs with Artificial Intelligence and Smart Analytics

Learn how to reduce both risk and cost by leveraging AI and analytics in your document review projects. Receive insights on how people, processes and technology are the drivers for an efficient and accurate review protocol.

Corporate Counsel

Expanding Roles and Comfort Zones: How Corporate Counsel Can Meet Data Imperatives Head-On

As corporate data imperatives converge and evolve, corporate legal professionals are increasingly called upon to engage with a growing list of stakeholders to advise on everything from technology, security, and workflows to defensibility. The proliferation of often overlapping data initiatives and the tools and solutions to address them can sometimes seem overwhelming.

Corporate Counsel

Legal Leadership in the Next New Normal, An Interview with Ralph Baxter

Ralph Baxter, leading Strategic Advisor to Law Firms and Former Chairman & CEO of Orrick, discusses how firm leaders should be doing to lead, manage and learn.

Artificial Intelligence

Re-envisioning the Corporate E-Discovery Playbook

Explore a new interpretation of the e-discovery playbook, one that converges with other data management imperatives, such as data privacy, and that includes ways in which automated AI-enabled processes and other technologies may be able to maximize efficiencies and reduce costs and risks.