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New Research: What Legal Executives are Looking for in 2022

According to the recently published Association of Corporate Counsel’s CLO/GC Report, in-house legal executives are expected to rapidly increase hiring rates for legal professionals in 2022-2023. The question becomes for you, “What are these hiring legal executives looking for in paralegals, attorneys and other legal professionals? Watch this webcast to find out and hear our expert panel discuss data-driven trends and insights from ACC’s 2022 Chief Legal Officers Report, which surveyed over 800 legal executives, on where legal departments are going and what they are looking for in their teams.

Leveraging Legal Analytics as a Competitive Advantage in State Trial Courts

Join the Corporate Counsel Business Journal and Trellis for an engaging webinar as we cover how legal analytics enables you to analyze the behavior and history of your judge, competitive counsel, prospects and clients to gain crucial insights into litigation history and ruling tendencies.


In Flex: Utilizing Hybrid Solutions for Today’s E-discovery Challenges

Supporting e-discovery needs at scale requires new ways of working and thinking. Along with the right team and workflows, having a technology solution that offers the flexibility to meet the needs of the varied matters you encounter is critical. In this discussion, experts will explore the growing need for hybrid models—supporting both DIY and full-service needs—and how to operationalize such an approach, and will talk through practical considerations when transitioning to new solutions.

Tips for Improving Your Legal Team’s Productivity and Collaboration Securely

Watch this webcast to discover strategies, best practices, and key technologies to help you maximize efficiency and operate more effectively, all while positioning your legal department for the modern workplace.


Emerging E-Discovery and Compliance Considerations in a Microsoft Teams-Centric Modern Workplace

By understanding and utilizing existing platforms that many corporations have already invested in, both IT and Legal can see immediate ROI by reviewing their security and compliance needs.

The Great E-discovery Reset: Defining a New Approach to Strategy, Execution and Relationships

In an effort to understand how pre-existing trends and the pandemic have impacted the way in-house legal professionals approach e-discovery, OpenText engaged Ari Kaplan Advisors to survey leaders in the corporate legal community about their immediate challenges, long-term opportunities, and key priorities going forward.