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Risk Management

Facing Our Own “Nagumo Dilemma” With Patrick Marrinan of Marketing Scenario Analytica with Host Richard Levick of LEVICK

Patrick Marrinan, Managing Principal and Co-Founder of Marketing Scenario Analytica (MSA) speaks with host Richard Levick of LEVICK about the intelligence required to evaluate risks and the information needed to effectively employ change management now, before the risks have matured into crises.

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Navigating National Security Issues in the Internet Age

In this episode of In House Warrior, Guillermo Christensen, a national security lawyer, former CIA intelligence officer, diplomat with the U.S. Department of State and the office managing partner of Ice Miller’s Washington, D.C. office, joins host Richard Levick of LEVICK to discuss enterprise risks involving cybersecurity, national security and complex international business matters.

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2022 Budgeting: Making the Case for CLM Software

Research firm Gartner predicts that by 2025, legal departments will dramatically increase their spend on legal technology. The firm also noted that by 2024, legal departments will automate half of the legal work associated with key business transactions, but that these same departments will capture only 30 percent of the potential benefit of their contract lifecycle management (CLM) investments by 2025.

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