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International Trade

Canada And The United States, A Singular Partnership

Editor: On February 4, 2011, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and President Barack Obama issued a Declaration on a Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness calling for the development of a joint action plan. How does this development build on the history of Canada-U.S....

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International Trade

U.S.-Canada Regulatory Cooperation To Boost Economic Growth

Consider this: meat produced at a federally registered plant in Southwest Ontario can be shipped from the plant straight to Canadian retail stores. However, if bound for the U.S. market, that same shipment must report to a border inspection house where it might be off-loaded and sampled for re-...

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International Trade

Antitrust Law (2012): At Home And In Canada

Editor: Jeffrey, is Canada recovering from the recession? Brown: Relatively speaking, Canada has been doing well, but there is a lot of nervousness out there because the medium and longer terms are uncertain given, for example, the financial situation in Europe. Similarly, the Canadian...

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