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The Worldwide Fast Track For Green Patents

Whether it is called green tech or clean tech, environmental and sustainable technologies have been gaining momentum and attracting attention in the patent world. Green technology can encompass a wide range of technologies, such as fuel cells, solar, wind, hybrid/electric vehicles, biofuel/...

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Bankruptcy & Restructuring

Trademarks And Bankruptcy: Seventh Circuit Provides Lifeline For Trademark Licensees Confronting Licensor Bankruptcy

The Bankruptcy Code provides certain protections to intellectual property licensees. Specifically, section 365(n) of the Bankruptcy Code grants intellectual property licensees the ability to retain rights under license agreements rejected by bankrupt licensors under section 365(a). This...

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Entertainment | Sports | Telecommunications

First Amendment v. The Right Of Publicity: The Game Is On!

While watching a child’s friend play a video game, Ed O'Bannon, the star of UCLA’s 1995 championship basketball team, recognized himself as one of the avatars featured in the game. O’Bannon observed of the avatar, “It didn’t have my name, but it had my...

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